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What Does Shoulder Tendonitis Feel Like?

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Shoulder tendonitis, or rotator cuff tendonitis, is a condition that causes pain and inflammation in the tendons of the shoulder. Common symptoms include pain, decreased range of motion and strength, and swelling or tenderness around the affected area.

When shoulder pain impacts your quality of life, Asheville Regenerative Orthopedics & Sports Medicine may recommend a Regenexx procedure. Regenexx® procedures provide non-surgical treatment options for those suffering from pain related to orthopedic issues including: osteoarthritis, joint injuries, spine pain, overuse conditions, and common sports injuries. Our proprietary, research-based methods and patented protocol allow our doctors to concentrate your cells and apply them precisely to your injured area.

Dr. Christie Lehman can provide information about your candidacy during a consultation in Asheville, NC. Call now to see how we manage shoulder tendonitis and tears through regenerative solutions.

What causes shoulder tendonitis?

Factors like overuse or repetitive motions can lead to shoulder tendonitis and even tears. Some occupations are more likely to cause shoulder pain from repeated movements, like manual labor, or sports activities like baseball and tennis. Conditions like arthritis and age-related deterioration also contribute to swelling.

Other causes of shoulder tendonitis include direct trauma to the shoulder. For example, a fall or car accident may tear the rotator cuff and eventually lead to tendonitis. In any case, it's important to recognize the symptoms and get treatment as soon as possible.

What are the symptoms of shoulder tendonitis?

Tendonitis and tendon tears make it challenging to maintain a full range of motion in the arm and shoulder. You might experience weakness or find that some motions cause aching pain. People with this condition often have a tender shoulder, accompanied by stiffness and inflammation.

Many people use over-the-counter drugs or anti-inflammatory medications to reduce shoulder pain. However, these medications only provide temporary relief and come with side effects like nausea or stomach pain. Our trained providers recommend Regenexx for long-lasting shoulder pain management.

How can Regenexx help?

Regenexx is a provider network doing procedural based care. We pioneered the use of orthopedic bone marrow concentrate to treat common orthopedic conditions to help people avoid surgery using cells from their own body.

Regenexx has published roughly half of all research world-wide on the use of bone marrow concentrate for orthopedic conditions*, and we created the field of interventional orthopedic protocols, the use of your body’s natural healing abilities to repair orthopedic injuries non-surgically. Our approach is rooted in our research and is constantly being refined and developed as we continue to lead the way in finding better methods for harnessing your body’s own healing agents to repair damaged tissue. Our proprietary protocol leads to arguably the world’s most advanced platform for in-office interventional orthopedics.

As the inventors of the specialty of Interventional Orthopedics, a specialty that focuses on using your body’s natural healing agents to treat orthopedic injuries, Regenexx is dedicated to a research-driven approach.

We have a dedicated research and development team and a specialized research laboratory with more than $1 million of equipment that are constantly refining our treatment protocols and developing new techniques. Regenexx has developed many of the processing and treatment techniques in use today and we have published roughly half of all research world-wide on the use of bone marrow concentrate, which contain stem cells, for treatment of orthopedic injuries. In addition, we track results from Regenexx procedures in our outcomes database. We believe that bone marrow concentrate and other blood-based treatments, are not magical and that not all approaches are created equal.

Dr. Lehman may suggest one or the other based on your unique needs. Our Asheville, NC team is well-versed in using Regenexx procedures to treat shoulder pain and a wide range of other conditions.

What are the benefits of Regenexx?

With Regenexx, you may find that your range of motion and strength improve significantly in a shorter amount of time compared to methods like surgery. Once the bone marrow or blood platelets are prepared, Dr. Lehman can administer it directly into the affected area of your shoulder – no invasive procedures or long hospital stays are required. Our team has administered Regenexx successfully to many patients in the area and knows how to deliver safe and effective results.

Because Regenexx can alleviate the pain associated with shoulder tendonitis and tears, you may find that other medications and treatments become unnecessary, too. We are proud to provide a solution that doesn't disrupt your lifestyle.

Regenexx: the answer to shoulder pain

Are you ready to treat shoulder pain and get back to living your life? Call Asheville Regenerative Orthopedics & Sports Medicine to discover the benefits of Regenexx. Learn how we can use bone marrow or blood platelets to reduce inflammation and improve your mobility in Asheville, NC. Dr. Christie Lehman is highly trained in this treatment and will provide you with the best care possible.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.