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How Long Can PRP Therapy Take to Improve Damaged Tissue?

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Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is becoming increasingly popular among those seeking a natural way to improve damaged tissue and address problems like chronic pain or lost mobility. But how long does it take for PRP therapy to work? Dr. Christie Lehman can provide an individualized timeline during an evaluation in Asheville, NC.

Platelet injections have a stimulating effect on the repair cells within the targeted area, making those cells work harder to perform their natural job of healing the body

We understand that many people looking into PRP are eager to get back to their normal lives as soon as possible. Call Asheville Regenerative Orthopedics & Sports Medicine to book an appointment and see if PRP therapy is the right choice for your needs. By utilizing advanced, nonsurgical solutions and a personalized treatment plan, we can help create a healthy environment that encourages healing.

Who benefits from PRP therapy?

Tissue damage caused by an injury or age-related degeneration is a common reason to look into PRP therapy. It's often used to address tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints that are not recovering properly or responding well to conservative treatments like rest, ice, and over-the-counter medications. Our medical staff generally recommends platelet-rich plasma for chronic pain and inflammation, lost mobility, and reduced range of motion.

What is platelet-rich plasma?

PRP is a concentrated solution of platelet-rich plasma produced from your own blood. It contains higher-than-normal levels of growth factors and proteins that help restore tissue. The PRP solution is introduced into the damaged area (usually the hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee, or foot) through a short series of injections in Asheville, NC. Dr. Lehman can provide more details about the PRP process during an appointment.

How long does PRP therapy take to work?

There's no downtime associated with PRP therapy, but some tenderness or soreness is expected in the treatment area for several days. During this time, it's important to rest and follow any aftercare instructions given by our team. Straining the area too much can impede your progress and lead to setbacks.

The rate of tissue recovery varies among patients and depends on the severity of your condition. In general, most people start noticing results in 4 – 6 weeks, with optimal outcomes showing in 4 – 6 months. Keep in mind that some require multiple treatments spaced out over a longer period of time.

Comparing PRP therapy to traditional surgery

Surgery may be recommended if tissue damage is present and conservative treatments are unlikely to produce the desired results. While surgery can provide significant relief, it also carries a greater risk of complications and may require weeks or months of recovery and physical therapy. Plus, not everyone is a candidate for surgery due to factors like age and medical history.

When it comes to tissue recovery and restoring lost mobility, PRP therapy can provide many of the same benefits as surgery but without incisions or downtime. And since platelet-rich plasma is taken from your own body, there is no risk of rejection or allergic reaction. Our patients report minimal discomfort during treatment and only minor soreness afterward.

Ask about PRP therapy for damaged tissue

Chronic pain and reduced range of motion can be debilitating and interfere with your day-to-day life. If you are interested in the benefits of platelet-rich plasma in Asheville, NC, call Asheville Regenerative Orthopedics & Sports Medicine to meet with Dr. Christie Lehman. We can provide information about PRP recovery and how long it could take to see results. Our goal is to help you find the best possible solution for your needs.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.